We would like to inform you that we will be taking the following measures to educate our members on how to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.
■Thorough instructions on hand sanitization when returning to work during work hours

■Regularly disinfecting areas that are touched by hands

■Distributing and promoting the wearing of masks in the company

■Distribution of mini-bottles of alcohol disinfectant solution to members

■Distribution of thermometers and encouraging employees to take their temperature every morning before work, and avoid coming to work with a fever or illness

■Cancellation of sales activities, participation in seminars and social gatherings, and business trips that involve travel
■Employees with symptoms of a cold (various symptoms such as cough and fever over 37.5 degrees) are instructed to stay home
These measures will continue until the outbreak of the new coronavirus infection is under control, taking into account the government guidelines.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to customers and business partners, and appreciate your understanding.