The Professional Basketball Team "Tokyo Hachioji Trains" Came to Visit Us!



Players and coaches of the Hachioji professional basketball team "Tokyo Hachioji Trains" came to visit our company.

Yusaku Oshiro

Yamaguchi Rikiya

Wendell Louis

Assistant Coach Taiki Usui


We invited them to play the pre-release version of our upcoming game "THE CHASER," which is currently under development.


They also sat at the desks where we usually work, and experienced what we do.



The latest information about Trains players and coaches is available on the Hachinavi blog.

It's full of the latest information about the players you wouldn't normally get to see!

Trains player blog "MOVE UP!"

Private information about players!

210 cm tall head coach Ishibashi's blog "Trains Express"

Tons of information about the Trains that you'll only find here!

Management Staff Blog "Staff Musings"

Get the latest news on the Trains here!